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| 1 minute read

Announcing Passle & Mondaq's Data Integration

One of the biggest challenges in any thought leadership program is demonstrating the impact that thought leadership has for the business and the author.

It tends to be that knowledge of the firms and people engaging with your content is either inaccessible, nonexistent or more often than not simply not delivered to the authors and firm management that need to see the value of thought leadership.

This week we've launched another new data integration, bringing together Passle's ability to get lawyers creating and sharing content with Mondaq's impressive reach and audience.

It's a strategic partnership that will allow Passle and Mondaq's shared clients to create more content, reach wider audiences and see the real impact that thought leadership has.

Through Passle, content can be created and delivered anywhere - including Mondaq. This new partnership with Mondaq allows insights on who is reading content to be seen directly by the authors of the content.

For more information about this integration and the options for making it part of your firm's marketing program contact

About Mondaq

Mondaq offers professional services firms global, AI-enabled content marketing, data and analytics solutions and helps its 23 million readers worldwide to find answers to legal, tax and compliance questions.

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