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30 Years of LMA in New York: Join us for a Summer Soirée on Thursday, August 11, 2022

The LMA New York Group is celebrating a massive milestone of 30 years, and in honor of this they are bringing back the popular Summer Soirée. 

Come along and enjoy the amazing views, drinks, food and of course great company with your LMA colleagues and friends (and perhaps an octopus or two). 

The Passle team is excited to sponsor this event along with JD Supra, Pitchly, Knox Design Strategy, Friedman Willams and RubyLaw.

If you haven't already, REGISTER NOW!

LMA New York is excited to bring our Summer Soiree back in-person this year as we celebrate 30 years of LMA in New York! Join us for a summer evening of outdoor networking and fun.

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