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PM Forum Conference - Developing and Implementing Strategy

Whether you are planning your family holiday or setting out objectives for a work project, we are all strategising on a regular basis. Zoe Bailey - Head of Strategic Operations at Withers & Rogers - has overseen strategic projects in a number of different roles and shared the three elements that have been critical for success. 

  1. Building a strong foundation for change.
    In order to build a strong foundation, Zoe mentioned the importance of understanding what affects your strategy, breaking it down to the firms core purpose, vision and values. Outlining these three elements will allow you to understand how best to develop and implement your strategy.

  2. Taking people with you.
    As with many projects, identifying key stakeholders is crucial. Samuel Taylor - Head of Clients, Data & Digital Marketing at Kingsley Napley also mentioned this in his workshop (which Charles Cousins summarised - 'Lessons Learnt Deploying Martech').

    Focusing on the champions or sponsors internally is crucial to attaining buy-in from the rest of the organisation. With those champions, Zoe mentioned the importance of keeping it simple, keep driving the message of what you are trying to achieve over and over again.

  3. Being agile and responsive.
    Building a culture that is non-resistant to change is a key factor when it comes to implementing your strategy. Undertaking regular sense checks to ensure changes are having desired effects will keep you on target. Listening and engaging with your key stakeholders can be the determining factor in whether you are successful in implementing your strategy. 

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e2e, marketing, professional services, pmforum22