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Passle People Podcast: A glance into our Client Success Internship with Jas McDonnell

On this latest episode of the People Podcast, I am joined by the lovely Jas McDonnell as she talks us through her experiences as our Client Success Intern since joining Passle a year ago.

As we are currently hiring x2 new Client Success Interns at present, this podcast will hopefully provide helpful and timely insights as to what the internship involves and the type of responsibilities the successful candidates will be tasked with. In her own words, Jas tells you how she has found the internship & how she has balanced this around her university commitments, along with her general experience of the team & culture here at Passle. 

This time round, we are looking to hire TWO new CS interns - one based in the UK, and one based in the US (in/around Washington D.C). This is due to company growth and demand both in the UK and across the pond as our client portfolio continues to expand. 

If you like what you hear and are keen on joining our fantastic, high-performing Client Success team, then please apply as we would love to hear from you!

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marketing, professional services, working for passle, talent, people