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| 1 minute read

How Passle's Global Thought Leaders Planted 2,000 Trees

As a way of maximising user engagement with Passle thought leadership programs, we introduced gamification to all client launches. 

Working closely with the Marketing and Business Development teams, we allocate a points-based system to inspire and amplify the behavioural changes each client would like to see. From an expert creating their first piece of thought leadership, to using ISTATOY to send targeted touchpoints to clients, thought leaders gather points over the 5 week launch period. 

At the end of each launch, we are able to not only highlight exceptional thought leaders - and of course, give out our expertly branded orange prizes - Passle also helps clients support a greater cause…

Throughout the competition, points are converted into real trees that are planted by One Tree Planted, to support reforestation causes across the world that need them most. 

As of 2024, we are proud and thankful to our many brilliant clients to report that 2,084 trees have been planted in the UK, USA, Romania, Costa Rica & Brazil, to name just a few locations. By creating thought leadership via Passle, 22 firms so far have felt the real business impact of engaging expert-led content and contributed to an important program of reforestation. 

We can't wait to continue building on this next year, and see what further impact we can have. 


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e2e, marketing, professional services