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Is video the answer for your professional services firm?

Lee Frederiksen argues that given the value of a new client to a professional services firm that video is a channel that can not be ignored. True enough but it is extremely difficult to do well.

The talking head middle-aged man in a suit discussing earnestly why they love their job does not do it for your clients. They don't care!

Webinars, free advice, is a much more compelling proposition.

Either way, make your point quickly. One third of your audience won't make it past 30 seconds.

Also it is worth using Vimeo not Youtube - it doesn't show the number of views. With the exception of a dead blog, there is nothing more amateurish than a video with '17 views'.

What is the value of a carefully controlled, repeatable message? Traditionally the only way professional services firms could ensure a consistent message was to write it down. That translated into brochures, qualification packages, emails or websites. But video has proven to be both a more compelling way to tell your story and a medium preferred by more and more purchasers of professional services.

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professional services marketing, video