It's getting harder to inspire your audience to remain seated and check out the adverts in the breaks of their favourite shows; as the frequency has increased so too has the temptation to put the kettle on, flick channels or check Facebook.
I see this as an especially hard job for car insurance adverts; now that our attention levels have shrunk due to such high and multi-platform demand, how do you make something that many see as a mundane necessity, captivating and talked about?
Churchill have their nodding dog, which continues to make my 5 year old cry, and Compare the Market have captivated yet frustrated a good share of parents egged on by their innocent, indoctrinated young to sign up just so they can get their meerkat. Direct Line have 'The Fixer' (Mr Wolf from Reservoir Dogs) and Money Supermarket have Snoop being Snoop telling us we're so money.
Personally it makes me cringe to see this pimping of such original characters but I am OK with it when it's done really well as per the Super Bowl ad with Lindsay Lohan playing herself as for me the best comedy is born of tragedy and truth. Money Supermarket may have rescued it for me with their revival of Mike Strutter, albeit a pre-watershed version, but I am sorry I just cannot bear that bloody robot Brian for who, like our meerkat friends, is now available in toy form so that our clueless offspring can tell us we don't love them unless we switch car insurance providers.
This is why I like this ad for Swinton; like the Super Bowl ad above it's the realness that's involved that gets me. While I don't watch BGT and didn't know who they are, the warmth and easy storytelling feel of it all kept my attention.
Are there any ads that have put you off a brand?
Whether people are on the lookout for insurance products or not, we’d like to think even the most passive of viewers will find the latest set of ads enjoyable