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Social media matchmaking

Not every social media channel is right for your business. It sounds obvious, but not every business heeds it. You are better off concentrating and doing a good job on fewer channels than spreading yourself too thin.

This infographic by Bizcatalyst360 shows some great trends, namely that if you are a B2B you should concentrate on Twitter, Linkedin and Google +.

Customer-driven businesses on the other hand, will find a better fit with Pinterest, YouTube or Facebook, especially if they're visually inclined.

With all the social media sites available today, which ones should you leverage? In an ideal world, you would use them all. As a small business, however, you don’t have enough time and money to do so. With your limited resources, which social media platform would you pick? If you think Facebook and YouTube are your best bets because they are most popular, think again. Just because a site is popular doesn’t mean it is a good fit for you business. To help you decide which social media platform is best suited for your business, I’ve created an infographic that explains what social sites you should be leveraging based on real data.

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