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Social messaging is here to stay

Tom Standage predicted recently that social messaging apps would be the main social media trend this year, and it looks like he's right. They're no longer just a replacement for texting but platforms to be taken seriously.

We're still in the awkward stage, where brands aren't too sure how to best use this opportunity. B2Cs that cater to younger demographics have been on board for a while - but how can B2Bs join in?

The key is for these apps to be approached completely separately to how marketers would approach other social media channels.

In other words, B2Bs should concentrate on creating unique and exclusive content for those social messaging channels.

Social messaging channels have also enormous potential when it comes to customer service, promoting particular angles of the business, and sharing exclusive deals.

The fact that B2Bs are relatively absent from the scene so far should also make this a very attractive proposition to most marketers....

Do you know a B2B that has made a smooth transition to social messaging?

What are Social Messaging Apps?  We’re talking about apps like Facebook Messenger, SnapChat, What’s App, and more.  Typically they are used on Smartphone’s  but also have website interfaces.  Small or mid-sized businesses and companies need to pay attention to these changing trends as they become tools that businesses will need to use to connect with their customers, and which may allow for advertising opportunities. They are where customers are spending time. Social messaging apps are not a flash in the pan. As these apps become the primary way people choose to communicate while using their mobile devices, companies need to adapt and change marketing strategies to reflect the usage of these apps.  Let’s dig into a few of the key apps in a bit more detail.

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b2b, b2c, social messaging