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The secret to content success is marrying it to distribution

A marriage of convenience perhaps, but James Carson makes compelling arguments in favour of increasing your resources on content distribution rather than just content.

Does this mean that content is dead? Not by any means, though it does seem to suggest we should worry less about frequently creating original pieces and more on being selective.

If there is one takeaway from this piece, is that next time you think of hitting 'publish', spend some time thinking about how you can best get your piece read by the right people.

Many brands have acquired similar large reaches on earned media over time, but there are many more businesses who do not have that luxury. What is most striking about the above examples is that you actually need to create very little content yourself to become really big. You can curate from elsewhere, and the only content effort you make is in the selection of content and how it is framed in small social headlines descriptions. Thus the content strategy is framed around selection rather than creation, and the selection itself framed around how shareable that content is to the audience. This shareability then builds the social distribution platforms. In this scenario content creation actually takes no part – so we could argue that it is a distribution first approach.

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content, distribution