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12 marketing techniques to increase your firm's visibility

Another excellent article from Hinge Marketing's website, suggesting to take time to check your marketing strategy and make adjustments where needed.

It's full of great advice, including (for SEO) this brilliant nugget: 'As a good rule, write for your audience first. Write for Google second.'

I completely agree, create the best website you can, user-friendly, well-designed, updated regularly with great content, and results will follow. Trying to play the 'what Google likes' game at the expense of other things is a sign that you've lost sight of your purpose.

We’ve officially crossed this year’s halfway mark, and it’s time to check in on the marketing strategy you created at the beginning of 2015. Has web traffic increased? Are you seeing more conversions and leads? Is your firm closing more new business? It may be time to adjust your strategy or incorporate additional marketing techniques to drive your firm forward. In our experiences with clients, we’ve found that a mix of both online and offline techniques create a winning combination for increasing a professional services firm’s visibility.

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seo, marketing