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| 1 minute read

Instagram for B2Bs: advertisers welcome!

Great news for B2B advertisers, Instagram is not only expanding its advertising reach to 30 more countries including Italy, South Korea, and Mexico, and India, but also increasing its advertising formats.

Advertisers can now upload up to 30 seconds of videos, and use a landscape dimensions rather than just squares for their adverts.

There is also the option to sign up to the premium Marquee which will give them access to high profile slots and 'own a moment'.

Finally, Instagram is hoping to attract advertisers from a wider range of industries by improving options for call to actions. A great opportunity for B2Bs then!

Lots of big changes for Instagram of late, which should be available globally by the end of September.

How to use Instagram as a B2B

Even if your industry isn't primarily image-based, there are plenty of things you can do to make this platform work for you:

  • Images with text overlay, particularly quotations, are extremely popular.
  • Share pictures from events organized and/or attended by your firm.
  • Use the video function to give a peak into your business, maybe get one of your experts to summarize an issue briefly?
  • Show users what's going on backstage in your business (i.e the human side).

Finally, don't forget to use hashtags, they're a great way of making people find you. I created a list of B2B hashtags here if you need a place to start.

Oh, and we're on Instagram if you want to follow us, @passleme!

Even by 2017 the US market will still account for 85% of total ad revenues, says eMarketer. The research firm is forecasting explosive growth with total global revenues more than doubling to $1.48bn in 2016, and then almost doubling again to $2.81bn in 2017. Instagram, which is mobile-only, will account for 5% of Facebook’s worldwide mobile ad revenue this year, climbing to a 14% share in 2017. Globally, Instagram has 300 million monthly active users, with more than 70% coming from outside the US. Last year, Instagram passed Twitter to become the second-largest social network in the US.

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instagram, industry news, distribution, advertising