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Is ad-blocking really enough to terrify CMOs?

Interesting stats in the article linked to below, which tries its best to make the future look bleak for CMOs.

Personally, as an Adblock user, I think an increased move towards browsers with in-built ad-blocking capabilities is no bad thing for B2B marketing teams. It will force us instead to create high-value content, a move we should be all striving towards anyway. More quality, less quantity. Hurray!

So when marketers talk about how much they work with numbers now that we’ve entered the sci-fi1 age of Internet data collection, I cringe. Let’s just say I’m glad I’m covering marketing for a living rather than actually doing it. But just because numbers may be marketers’s new best friend, that doesn’t mean they’re all good. Some, in fact, are a bit terrifying. And because I’m a sick bastard who wants you all to feel my mathematical pain, I’ve gathered 13 stats that should send chills down any marketer’s spine. Just to be clear, all of these statistics have pros and cons, and some stats may not have an impact on your marketing strategy. But hopefully at least one of them will get you to jump. Enjoy.

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content, adverts, cmo, b2b marketing, adblock