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Social Media Automation Done Right

Below is a fascinating interview with Jeff Bullas, the digital marketing expert, who makes a strong case for social media automation.

What works for one business doesn't necessarily work for another. Bullas came to the conclusion that automation (1 tweet every 15 minutes to be precise) works best for him through testing and re-testing. Your business, through testing, might come to a different conclusion.

It should be clear that automation does not equate mindless spewing of content. Bullas carefully curates the tweets that are automated, drawing on his entire blog archives, reviewing which ones perform best, and which have passed their sell-by date.

The outcome, as always, is to use social media to provide your audience with the right content. Content that ultimately links back to your business. Whether you hand-craft each tweet and venture forth into the conversation, or choose a more automatic system, is down to you.

“But the real challenge for small business is how to scale their marketing. The reality is that if you want to be efficient, you’re going to have to embrace automation in some form. Otherwise, you’re going to compete against many other businesses using automated platforms like Infusionsoft, Marketo, and so on.” Jeff uses SocialOomph to automate his Twitter feed. “It’s pretty dated but it still does the job,” he said. To feed the beast with enough tweets each day, Jeff draws upon his entire blog archive, extracting the full value from evergreen content. “It’s a daily process of culling and adding, making sure each post is up to a standard I’m happy with. If a blog post still adds value to my community, then why not keep sharing it.”

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content, social media, automation