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'What gets measured gets done' - the key to Expert-led Content Marketing

The phrase might be as old as the management-industry hills but because of the creative aspect to Content Marketing it can be easier said than done.

At present B2B firms are struggling with all aspects of Content Marketing: creating at all, creating consistently and finally measuring it. So how to measure 'content' and therefore get it done?

For the experts in your firm, feedback on their content is the single most persuasive aspect but in terms of measurement, to change behaviour, we would propose using a simple formulation to measure i.e. measure the production of content (which you can ask your experts to commit to) rather than its quantitative effectiveness (reads, shares, likes etc) which, by and large, they can not.

On a similar point, according to the stats below you are nearly twice as likely to be (or at least consider yourself) effective if you have a documented content strategy - which will include targets to measure against.

Creating, producing and measuring the effectiveness of content marketing continue to be the top challenges.