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Why you should make time for content creation

'Own a company? Start a blog.' I love this quote by Adam Greenbaum but of course you do not need to own the company to be keen to showcase your knowledge to your customers. The big ticket content pieces are often easier to invest in than producing regular content and it’s tempting to focus on them too much. Companies will spend money on producing white papers, big reports, the expensive sparkly videos but I agree with Adam - focus on getting regular, up-to-date, expert comment up. Publish content regularly and share it. It works.

I have just joined the team at Passle and started to add content to our B2B Content Marketing Passle. This article summarizes exactly why it’s a good idea. Nice to read advice that is in line with what we are trying to do.

I want to be viewed as a thought leader in my industry, I want to share knowledge and tips with fellow marketers, and I want to be able to showcase my company and myself. It works. I recently published an article on our company website on growth hacking Twitter to gain thousands of engaged followers. It drove 2,000+ visits to my company website in a week and we received three calls for our services. That, my friends, is content marketing. Own a company? Start a blog. Publish content. It doesn’t matter what you do or offer, people search for anything and everything millions of times a day.

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content creation, content curating, digital advice