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Twitter introduces conversational ads

At last something positive from Twitter, who ill-advisedly announced that tweets will increase to 10,000 characters.

These news adverts include campaign hashtags and plenty of opportunities for consumers to engage with the brand. The examples given are very B2C but it would be good to see B2B brands engage with this opportunity once it's rolled out worldwide.

Starting today, advertisers can drive more earned media and brand influence with our new conversational ads. These formats, exclusive to Twitter, make it even easier for consumers to engage with and then spread a brand’s campaign message. It’s a powerful way for advertisers to extend their presence across Twitter. How it works For many years, marketers have successfully increased their brand engagement using Promoted Tweets with compelling images or videos and campaign hashtags that drive Retweets, likes, and follows. Conversational ads take this a step further by including call to action buttons with customizable hashtags that encourage consumer engagement.

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twitter, advertising