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| 1 minute read

5 co-working spaces in Oxford

My colleague James Barclay recently wrote about our move to WeWork in London, the biggest co-working space in Europe. I haven't visited it yet, but as you can see from James' post, it's already had positive results on our business - not every office can be called a lead-generator!

In that spirit, here are five co-working spaces here in Oxford, perfect for any startups, small businesses and freelancers:


Based around the corner from the Rusty Bicycle, the emphasis here is on adding a social element to ‘single person businesses’. As well as Friday beers, there’s a running club, and a squash ladder. Unlike many other co-working spaces, you get a dedicated desk without needing to hot-desk.

Ethical Property

Established in the Old Music Hall on Cowley Road, this is a workspace dedicated to supporting small businesses with an emphasis on the third sector. Rental is by the desk, and includes a communal space built from straw bales under a sedum grass roof – doesn’t get much more startup than this!


Downhill from the castle, this is the perfect space for makers, as it comes with various tools including soldering irons, 3d printers, sewing machines, oscilloscopes, hand tools, and game consoles. For hands-on businesses looking for collaboration opportunities, this is the perfect space. Drop in on one of their weekly meetups (7-11pm every Thursday) to get a feel for the place.

Watlington Business Centre

A 30 minute drive from Oxford, Watlington Business Centre offers space on a pay-as-you-go basis. Prices start at £5 for an hour, or £15 for a day, making this an incredibly affordable solution for freelancers or startups.


Situated in Osney Mead, Workspace requires a month by month commitment with different options to suit each businesses, from hot desks to dedicated full workstations. The space includes kitchens, showers, parking, private meeting rooms, and on site car parking.

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coworking, hot desk, productivity