If you are based in London, then you are blessed with an abundance of choice when it comes to networking opportunities and events. As we all know, too much choice can be overwhelming, so here are 7 meetup groups I think you'll want to hear about:
Fintech Tuesday - financial technology development
As the name suggests, this group meets every Thursday to discuss developments in the financial technology sector. Expect to meet a mix of budding entrepreneurs, savvy investors, and everything in between.
Bootlaw - lawyers advising startups
Bootlaw is the brainchild of lawyers at Pinsent Masons LLP, who are offering legal advice to new technology businesses. Previous topics have included the legal pitfalls of launching an app, and how to break into the US investment landscape.
AppsJunction – where developers meet startups
The meetups are titled ‘Bring an App idea & find Launch team/Funding’, they include quickfire pitches from developers and startups.
Instech – innovation in the insurance Sector
A monthly meetup allows key players in the insurance sector to keep up to date with the latest technology innovations. You can read their curated posts here.
London Silicon Roundabout - a community for the technology sector
Also known as TechMeetups, it was set up to create a global network of tech communities, and is particularly aimed at both at startups and potential investors.
Interesting Talks (London) - take a walk on the wild side
Meetups don't always have to be about work - the aim of Interesting Talks is to give those interested in business and psychology something new to think about. The next (sold out) event is on the psychology of web design for instance.
Open Source & Agile Community Events - never too late to learn a trick
As well as meetups, this community organizes hackhathons, conferences (eXchanges), and training courses for developers, architects and project managers wanting to learn about new technologies and practices.