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Why is this the best law firm website in the World?

According to the Webby Awards (the 2016 award is fast approaching) the Cooley website is the best Law Firm site out there.

And is it different to the others?

A bit. The Partners are shown in Not Massively Geeky photos: 'On a boat' or 'With a beard', for example. 

But much more interestingly, they have thought about their clients, their audience and the content they should give to them. 

The link below is an excellent example. 

Their audience is start-ups. Start-ups hire people just like all firms but they do it a bit differently. They do it to "Build a Team". And that is exactly the advice that they are offered. How to build a team. It's actually similar to the HR advice that any other firm will give you, but Tailored to their Audience. 

It isn't difficult to do but it is really important. 

BUILD A TEAM It takes more than one person to scale the mountain. Build a team that can lift you higher.

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startups, hr, law firm