Professional services firms churn out huge amounts of content. It forms the back bone of many content marketing strategies - and they are on the whole successful.
But a lot of content is like the three minute pop song - consumed, possibly enjoyed, and then immediately forgotten.
How can professional services firms help their content stand out - and give it life beyond that moment?
One way, which I have seen used to great success, is the cartoon. A one-off cartoon that reflects the theme or story.
A cartoon captures the humour of a moment, sharing an 'in joke' with a group of clients. It can demonstrate a deeper understanding of a particular issue.
They need not be expensive. Professional cartoonists are well used to working with big business and can typically create artwork for a few hundred pounds.
And the best bit? The artwork can be given away to a favoured client, to staff, or auctioned off raising money for a charity.
There cannot be many pieces of branded content that are likely to hung on a wall!