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Drafting your 2017 Content Marketing Plan? A few things to consider first...

A useful checklist in the link below of things to think about when drafting your content marketing plan for 2017. I am particularly taken with the final point, which is a strategy check-in. Just as it's a risky strategy to stick to a rigid plan for the year without taking into account the myriad of things that could affect (such as new technologies and trends), it's also important to leave yourself open to change with your overall strategy. This is something I'm going to be particularly thinking and talking about with my colleagues this week.

Change can seem like a daunting process, but it doesn't have to be radical or expensive. It simply starts with reassessing where your strengths lie, and who you want to be talking to.

If you had a documented content marketing strategy last year, you were ahead of the game (according to CMI, only 32 percent of marketers had this). However, don’t treat your content strategy as a template that you simply update every year3. (highlight to tweet) As your business evolves, along with the outside world, it’s critical to ask yourself if you have the right strategy in place each year. Beyond that, consider putting a mission statement in place, so that there’s complete clarity and executive buy-in around what you’re setting out to achieve with content marketing.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, content marketing strategy, editorial calendar