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If you were trying to raise capital and a bank looked at your Google Analytics, would they see growth?

Really enjoying my time at the Sage Summit and thought I would share an interesting point made by Tony Price and Nick Rowe from PwC. 

Tony and Nick work within MyFinancePartner. A PwC directive focused on utilising the cash held within businesses and freeing it up to drive growth. 

One point made particularly stood out to me regarding Google Analytics. An unnamed client was referenced that had spent lots of money on SEO. When their Google Analytics were analysed, they found that it hadn't had any significant positive effect. 

I had never thought about this before. When a company is trying to raise revenue through a bank or undergoing an acquisition, their analytics could be used to predict growth. If your Google Analytics show your website visitors are on the increase, particularly to your service areas, this indicates growth and profitability. 

So if anyone is asks, give me a reason to focus more on my content marketing strategy - voila!

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content marketing, b2b marketing, revenue growth, sage summit