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| 1 minute read

Your key stakeholder is a person, not a buying persona

An inspiring piece from James Routledge (of Sanctus), telling his story of how he raised £20,000 in seed capital off the back of a blog post on mental health.

Whilst this is an account of James' journey to fund-raising, it reminded me of the the importance of human-to-human relationships in business, even in the face of digital intermediaries.

Stakeholders (whether they're a prospect, an existing client, or just someone you're looking to influence) are too often packaged into buying personas, and nurtured through a funnel, which often takes the shape of: 

This is all good and well if you're selling a product, but if you're selling a service, or you're selling your knowledge, you have to treat your stakeholder as a person, not simply as a buying persona. This is where relationships come in, and where human-to-human interaction is critical. In such scenarios, people don't typically arrive at buying decisions from funnels alone, there is almost invariably a human-to-human relationship that was paramount in engineering the situation. 

In James' case - from one human to another, he successfully delivered an authentic story through an inspiring experience; moving the needle for him to go all guns blazing on his start-up, Sanctus. 

The real power lies in doing this at scale, with unfaltering regularity. If you can get your colleagues regularly engaging with their key stakeholders, you're onto a winner.

Here’s the story of how I got given £20,000 to work on the first year of Sanctus. It’s a story worth sharing. In February 2016 I wrote a blog post called mental health in startups, it got 10,000 views in 2 days and I got over 500 personal messages about mental health. Post-blog post was a bit of a blur; I wrote in The Guardian shortly afterwards and started getting asked to speak on panels and give talks about mental health in the startup world. It all happened very fast.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, human to human, h2h