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| 1 minute read

Engaging your stakeholders through education

I've spoken to a lot of large enterprises in recent months that put education at the centre-point of their communications. 

This school of thought does seem appropriate given that I generally only talk to companies whose sales processes hinge upon the transfer of knowledge between themselves and their clients/prospects.

If you sell your knowledge directly, or you sell your knowledge as a differentiator in your market, then showcasing your knowledge to your buyers is a must. My colleague Adam wrote an excellent piece earlier this week about how you can ensure your content is influential in the eyes of your key stakeholders.

A helpful (and uncomfortable) truth that I often remind myself of is that most people don't care about our product/service, they care about themselves and their problem. The quicker you accept this reality, the easier it'll become to engage your market - simply because you'll adopt this approach:

Build Trust, Confidence And Credibility Through Content We use our articles to educate leads and potential customers about our industry. We often highlight topics related to a specific time of year to add value to the reader. Our content helps us establish trust with leads at every stage in our pipeline. Building trust is our ultimate goal in creating relationships with leads, and establishing credibility in our industry gives leads confidence in us.

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e2e, expert-to-expert, content marketing, b2b marketing