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| 1 minute read

Timely insights build valuable relationships

Your clients and prospects are better informed and more able to make decisions than ever before. In the past, a day on the golf course, a steak dinner or a ticket to the corporate box was the way to build trust with key accounts.

Today's buyer is also busier than before, they have less time to spend with salespeople and their offerings and are less likely to champion a new project.

For a buyer to want to engage with your firm, they need to understand that your offering is more valuable and relevant to their priorities than the other internal projects and external salespeople clamouring for attention.

Data from Salesforce shows that salespeople and account managers are 5x more likely to get engagement if they are adding value to their prospects, but only 20% of salespeople are currently seen as valuable for their clients.

There is an opportunity in the market for sellers that are able to position themselves as a trusted advisor.

Data from Corporate visions shows that an overwhelming 74% of buyers will choose the sales rep that first offers value and insight. Timely, useful content that is directly relevant to the challenges of the person you are talking do is a powerful differentiator and a strong strategy for improving the effectiveness of sales teams.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, accreditation, accreditation module 1, adding value, law firm marketing