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| 1 minute read

CMS' Online Event + Deliveroo + A Glass of White

Someone said in the comments page of the video call that they had gone for a curry, someone thanked CMS for their Papa Johns' Pizza, another declared they had ordered a bowl of Ramen but for me, I went a bit indulgent with a cheeky chicken burger and chips.  

This was all part of the CMS equIP programme's (see link below on what the equIP programmes is) regular meet up but the first since Covid-19 and therefore the first that has not been face-to-face.  An amazing success with a group of 40 individuals from the equIP programme listening to a variety of experts from across the CMS team.

It was a really simple and very effective session and has set the standard for online events whilst we are all staying at home:

  1. Everyone who registered was sent a Deliveroo voucher to order their dinner for the start of the event
  2. Pour yourself a drink (I went for Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc - goes very well with a poultry burger!)
  3. Provide, via video, some superb insights on what my be affecting business like ours during Covid-19.  A selection of lawyers gave insights around employment, tax, real estate, commercial transactions, cash flow and the government's recently launched Future Fund.

I still have no doubt that a face-to-face event, where we can shake a hand and have a glass of wine together will never be beaten but this was an extremely efficient way of doing things and probably the best way possible during these times of lockdown.  I think events like this will be repeated by many firms in the weeks ahead.

Superb job by the CMS team.  

The Deliveroo was certainly a lovely touch and I am sure helped to keep drop out rates lower than usual but no event can be a success without great content and insights from trusted experts.

CMS equIP Testimonial

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