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Good News Stories- Week 7

Apologies it is slightly later than usual today!  The end story this week is a real cracker and it is actually from one of my good friends featuring her very own aunt.  She was concerned that if I mentioned it within this blog then it would go viral.....I had to explain that I really don't know that many people and the ones that I do know don't often take note of what I say!

Anyway here they are:

COVID lockdown opens up the world for people with disabilities- as society embraces virtual living, people who have missed out due to poor access, are now finding that they can take part in work, culture and socialising like never before.  See full article here

Alex Scheffler illustrates a book to help children understand coronavirus- Coronavirus: A book for children was written, illustrated and published for free online in the space of a week.  See full article here 

Recorded crime in Scotland down by a quarter during the lockdown- Whilst public nuisance incidents have gone up (mainly due to lockdown rules being broken)serious assaults are down 40% and house break-ins are down 30% (Presumably because everyone is in!).  See full article here

Female rowers in Venice using Gondolas to deliver food to the elderly- The women are members of a nonprofit organisation called row Venice and have been volunteering with local farmhouses to deliver organic produce to those in need.  See full article here

Man is running out of space on his body after tattooing himself each day in the lockdown- Chris Woodhead from Walthamstow sits down every day between 2 pm and 4 pm to have a cup of tea and then transfer his daily sketch onto his body as a tattoo.  See full article here

Admiral car insurance to give £25 refunds to customers- £110 million will be returned to customers due to the fact that cars are sitting idol and no claims are being made.  There is pressure for other insurers to follow suit.  See full article here

Milan announces scheme to reduce car use after lockdown- Across Italy, traffic congestion has dropped between 30-75% with air pollution also reducing.  As a result, the government are keen to give back around 22 miles of road to cyclists and pedestrians.  See full article here

Motivational pegs left in wood to offer hope- Alan Ayris from Leicestershire has written positive messages on a variety of pegs and then distributed them in a local woodland to help those struggling with mental health.  See full article here

Woman In Scotland uses her bras to make home-made Covid-19 Masks-  Vivien Scott from Broughty Ferry, has been making the masks for friends and her husband for trips to the local supermarket.  See full article here

The final word is from Vivien who also wrote a poem to go with her Bra masks:

A shortage of masks

Is big news now,

Surely I could make one?

Yes, I know how

For a brainwave came over me

I have a bra size 36D

Pale pink, comfy and soft

But firm enough to stay aloft

I know I can make it,

I have the verve

To wear it in public,

Yes, I have the nerve!

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, covid-19, good news story