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Passle Insiders Club: Stephen Fairweather of Charles Russell Speechlys on constructing the user journey.

Marketers in professional services are constantly challenging the boundaries of what is possible. At our latest Insiders Club webinar we were lucky to hear from one such marketer defining best practice, Stephen Fairweather, Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Charles Russell Speechlys.

How do you add expertise and value to the client journey?

In a session hosted by Will Eke of Passle, Stephen took us through the approach that Charles Russell Speechlys are taking to their client journeys, how they work with fee earners to produce timely and relevant content and how that content is cleverly incorporated into the multitude of important touchpoints with the market.

Stephen and Will discuss:

- How the client journey fits into the wider strategy for growth at the firm

- How expertise is used to drive lead generation

- The outcomes and results of a successful client journey overhaul

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e2e, marketing, professional services, insiders, business development