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| 1 minute read

Why your tech stack should be Headless

There is a broad shift in approach to building enterprise technology; with a move away from "The massive, monolithic enterprise software platforms that dominate today" to a lower-risk and more flexible approach, created by joining together a series of pre-built Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms. The term most frequently used to describe this approach is "Headless".

It is fair to say that not having a head is a somewhat disconcerting concept, so the benefits of Headless merit a bit of explanation...

The approach is perhaps best summarised as "buy don't build", or maybe more accurately "build only what you must", where the final features of a project (a company website or e-commerce shop perhaps) are compiled from a collection of pre-built SaaS components and joined together with a thin presentation layer. In other words, each of the back-end components does not get seen (they do not each have a "head") but are accessed through their APIs and made visible through a common, thin front-end layer - often the website. 

There are a few .org alliances that are championing the approach, with the MACH alliance (below) and Jamstack being notable. Both argue that a fundamentally better product can be delivered to the client by adopting this API-first approach. 

"Jamstack is an architectural approach that decouples the web experience layer from data and business logic, improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability."

The point of a Headless approach is to deliver the advantages of SaaS to a bespoke project.

IBM lists the top five benefits of SaaS as:

  1. Reduced time to benefit
  2. Lower costs
  3. Scalability and integration
  4. New releases (upgrades)
  5. Easy to use and perform proof-of-concepts

To which I would add "Benefitting from best practice and best-in-class software" since the SaaS provider can build based on the ideas and data gathered from many clients and can justify building features for all participants that would not be a sensible investment for any single firm. 

Creating a website or online shop used to start with building a server & installing the database but things have now moved to the cloud, with a vast array of SaaS services that can facilitate pretty much any need. It makes a huge amount of sense to utilize them, instead of building bespoke from the ground-up, (again!).

If you'd be interested to hear a bit more about how Passle's APIs and CMS Plugins can enable Professional Services websites to be built with hugely reduced cost and project risk, please do get in touch.

The MACH Alliance presents and advocates for an open and best-of-breed enterprise technology ecosystem. The ecosystem technology is: Microservices based, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS and Headless. Enterprise suites are no longer “the safer choice." The MACH ecosystem is. It is agile and nimble, always up to date.

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e2e, marketing, professional services, headless, apis, cloud, passleproduct, composable