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Ready to Elevate: Excitement Builds as I Head to LMA Northeast Regional Conference!

As the Legal Marketing Association's Northeast Regional Conference approaches, I'm gearing up for an exhilarating two days of legal marketing insights and networking. With anticipation building, I can't wait to join the industry's best minds at this event to deepen my knowledge and connections. 

What makes it even more special is the opportunity to hear from some of my valued clients who are speakers and moderators for this fantastic event. Their insights and expertise in the legal industry are second to none, and I can't wait to soak up their wisdom. 

And that's not all - Passle will be right there, representing with a booth! It's an honor to showcase the innovative work we're doing in thought leadership and connect with fellow legal marketing professionals.

If you're attending the conference, be sure to swing by our booth and say hello! Arrive early, and you might snag one of our beloved Passle Octopus* stuffed animals. 🐙✨


*Disclaimer: limited quantity, while supplies last.

Join us in October in Midtown NYC to sponsor the 2023 LMA Northeast Regional conference!

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e2e, professional services, marketing