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Passle Legal Marketing Research: Share Your Insights with Us!

Every year, we undertake research aimed at helping professional service firms elevate their marketing and digital performance. Before we launch our next research project, we wanted to reach out to you, our community, to get your take on what would be the most helpful.

You can have your say on our next research at the button below.

If you can spare a few minutes, we'd greatly appreciate your insights. The survey is quick, and your feedback will be anonymous. Your input can influence our upcoming research initiatives and drive progress in the industry. 


Passle's Past Research

Our most recent study, the 2023 General Counsel Survey, was all about gaining insights into how GCs at large businesses worldwide engage with their law firm suppliers' thought leadership content. This research has already given us invaluable insights into how law firm marketers can step up their content game.

In previous years, we've delved into the Digital Performance of law firms, offering an Index that benchmarks firms' online presence. This report provides valuable insights into how leading firms establish their online footprint and identifies those that stand out as thought leaders in the digital space.


As the marketing landscape continues to evolve with new technologies, and the legal marketing profession's increasing strategic role within law firms, your feedback is vital to us. We want to understand what you found useful about our research and what you'd like to learn more about in the future to help shape our next study.

Ready to share your thoughts? Take our survey here.

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e2e, professional services, marketing