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| 2 minutes read

What General Counsel want to see on your firm's website

Earlier this year, we surveyed Managing Partners at law firms, finding that 50% considered investment in the firm’s digital presence an important driver of future business growth.

You can get that full research here.

Marketers too, are prioritizing digital, with it being their #1 priority moving forward.


Luckily, we've also asked General Counsel all about their habits when it comes to websites and the thought leadership that brings them there.

Here's that research in full, but if you are building a website or thinking about improvements to your current site, here's what you need to know.

86% of General Counsel come to your firm's website once a month or more.

Law firms often underestimate the value of their websites, which, for many clients, serve as the primary source of information. Despite the clear demand for regular, relevant content, our latest study found that CMOs and Managing Partners underestimate how much their GC clients value thought leadership, with 73% believing clients only visited their websites occasionally if at all. 

Over half of the GCs (52%) visit their supplier’s website at least weekly, 86% do so monthly, and nearly all have reviewed it during the engagement process.  

Your website is being seen regularly by your clients and prospects. It's your shop window. It needs to be up-to-date, fresh and filled with relevant thought leadership to keep the market informed.

A website is a key part of assessing a legal supplier

Nearly half (48%) of General Counsel won't consider a law firm unless they showcase relevant insights.

Considering the importance GCs place on their service providers being able to deliver up-to-date content, it's not surprising that nearly all survey respondents reported a website review as part of supplier assessment.


The takeaway, keep regular, relevant insights at the heart of your website.

There's an opportunity for firms to win online. Only 1 in 12 General Counsels thought law firms worked hard enough to keep them up to date. 

Content serves as a virtual storefront, attracting clients and prospects more frequently than you might think. That’s why it’s essential to keep it updated regularly.  Just like stale food in a shopfront is unappealing, outdated content can turn visitors away.

Keeping your thought leadership material fresh and easy to find is crucial for maintaining customer interest.


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e2e, marketing, professional services, digitalmasterclass