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Reposted from PM Forum

'KPI' to improve your sphere of influence as a Thought Leader

We heard this week @ PM Forum London event how to make lasting impact and build one's brand inside your organisation, but how do you go about raising your sphere of influence outside your firm? I met Daniel Priestley, founder of Entrevo (short for Entrepreneur Revolution) recently at a conference by Shirlaws Group, and was impressed by the IP and suite of tools he has developed. The 'Key Person of Influence' diagnostic is free and identifies real areas for development. I encourage you to take the test and see where your 'blind spots' are.

Based on the best selling book 'Become a Key Person of Influence' and developed over the last 4 years interviewing over 5000 entrepreneurs in the UK, USA, Singapore and Australia, the Scorecard has become a trusted tool for shaping your competitive edge in your industry. THE KEY PERSON OF INFLUENCE SCORECARD BENCHMARKS YOUR ABILITY TO INFLUENCE IN A BUSINESS OR LEADERSHIP CONTEXT AND IDENTIFIES OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEVERAGED GROWTH. ANSWER 40 QUESTIONS AND GET YOUR SCORECARD FREE OF CHARGE - NO STRINGS ATTACHED IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTES

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influence, personal brand