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Will Facebook's Notes Overtake Medium?

Facebook is testing out a revamped version of its Notes section on a number of users. Screenshots suggest that it's going for a slick, Medium-like look.

Notes have been relegated for a while now, it almost surprises me when friends use it, as it's become increasingly tricky to find.

This could change things - in the same way that native videos perform better than videos shared from youtube, users may find themselves uploading original content to Notes rather than sharing links to their blog.

Of course, this depends on whether the test is successful and rolls out to a wider audience.

Facebook Notes has been one of the sprawling social network’s least looked after features. It has sat there for years largely unloved and useless, like Facebook’s appendix, serving no purpose yet apt to explode and spill its toxic contents everywhere. In fact, Notes are so unloved that it took both Martin and I some time to actually find them on our profiles to write test notes and discover if we’ve got some new features. Short answer: No we don’t. But…

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blogging, facebook, blog, news