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How you can produce content that will get shared

Content production is pretty new to me so the list here of 46 expert tips is very interesting.  

More importantly the piece of content linked to below by Lindsay Kolowich is exactly how I like content to be: 

  • Authentic
  • Digestible 
  • Expert-led
It's not enough just to write some content, publish it, and cross your fingers it does well. Most experts have found it takes a lot of thinking, strategizing, and optimizing to create content that your audience not only reads, but shares with their networks and links back to on their websites. SEO Expert Steve Wiideman, for example, recommends starting with question-based keywords and prioritizing them by search volume. Erika Heald, VP & Head of Content at Highwire PR, finds that putting together an editorial calendar at the beginning of each quarter makes it easier to vary the types of content she and her team publish. Ryan Hoover, Founder of ProductHunt, reminds us that it's all about being authentic and adding value to the conversation.

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