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| 1 minute read

Why Instagram Is a Must for Any Online Marketing Strategy

Online content marketing is something that is not limited to words. We all know the phrase, ‘a pictures worth a thousand words’, so why do firms neglect to work with a visual platform such as Instagram?

Let me give you some of their reasons:

  • We’re not selling anything visual, so what do we post?
  • It’s only used by big name brands and celebrities.
  • We can’t see the tangible benefit.

These are all misconceptions without foundation:

  • Instagram is a world of possibilities, not only limited to photos with friends, or landscapes. 
  • Big brands use the platform because it works, it’s that simple. 
  • Any tangible benefits will not be seen immediately, it takes time, like any good thing.

These misconceptions should be thrown away. 

After carrying out extensive research on PR agencies, we found them to be very adept at using Instagram, broadcasting to their audience a variety of content, such as client projects, and the culture within the firm. This allows their audience to see more of who they are as a group of people, as opposed to just a normal public relations agency.


provide great examples when it comes to presenting who they are. Every once in a while they post employee profiles, which is made up of a collage of images representing the person’s personality, such as travel photos or running shoes.

However, Instagram is not just linked to visual content. It can be complemented very nicely with a caption, short or long, and that will add more to the message. Similarly, mentions and hashtags can add great value to a post, allowing more users, not just followers, but from across the whole platform to view the content.

A great example for hashtags comes from Exposure. When capturing activities or events within the firm, they use a simple tag such as #lifeontheinside or #agencylife. These are extremely simple techniques to use, and require little time to do. By using these techniques they have developed an average social engagement of 2%, which compared to 4.21% for top brands, is still excellent.

By adopting Instagram, agencies can build new followers and increase their social media reach. The formal conventions of a blog do not exist, allowing the personality of the firm to really stand out, which could be the difference between gaining clients and losing them to competitors. The potential is there, the adventure is waiting, and it could be brilliant.

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content marketing, social media, instagram, personal relations