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Content - It is not the how it is the who that's important

I often get involved in conversations about which channels are best when it comes to sharing content - is Facebook better than Twitter? What about newsletters? How about LinkedIn Groups? 

Well the good news is that it does not matter.  The important thing is who is saying it and do you know them.

If the reader knows you and if they trust you then it is far more likely that your content will be read by them and shared by them.  So use the channel that they are on.

Both this post by our client Kingpin - it's Not B2B. It's Not B2C. It's H2H... (as in Human to Human) and in the quote below the importance of relationships between people are the key.   i could not agree more.  Do not write for the 100,000 people you'd love to read your post but rather write for 50 who are likely to actually read it because they know you and trust you and they are the most likely to share it.

A recent report by Hotwire and Vanson Bourne notes that as social media is now considered a very important start of any purchasing process, decision makers who are more comfortable with using social media are looking to absorb as much information as possible on channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms. The challenge and the difference today, according to the report, is that it is increasingly less critical which channel the information is coming from or being shared to, but it is more important which or who's content is being shared and considered relevant.

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content marketing, content creation, network