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GDPR: what can you do to prepare as a marketer?

Marketers seem to comprise of two types of people at present: those blissfully unaware of GDPR, and those in the know. So for the former group, let me just say in brief that you're going to have to take a hard look at how you store and use data (emails, names, phone numbers, etc). 

This will particularly affect marketing activities such as email marketing, and events. So if you can't prove everyone on your mailing lists has opted in for instance, you could be in financial trouble.

Fortunately (and there is a fortunate side here!), you still have a little over a year to sort this out. I give some practical advice on how you can do this over here.

I would also urge you, if you are in, or near, London, to come along to our Digital Privacy in the B2B Landscape event on 4th April. We've teamed up with Kingpin to bring you experts from different industries to share their advice on how to best prepare your business. You can book your tickets here.

First GDPR, then the EU ePrivacy Directive, what will be the next step in the digital privacy laws? How can B2B companies best prepare and comply, when the rules are ever-shifting? A panel of experts ranging from the legal industry to cyber security, will weigh in on this important issue. This event is a collaboration between Kingpin, Passle, and WeWork. Book your tickets here: PANEL Tom Wright, (Director of Content at Incisive Media) Simon Moss (Head of Marketing at CommuniGator) Chris Evans (Consultant at Druces) Benjamin Hosack (Director and Co-Founder at Foregenix) Claire Trévien (Head of Content Marketing at Passle) Chaired by Kingpin

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content marketing, b2b marketing, gdpr, kingpin