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| 1 minute read

Law Firms and Technology are Coming Together

When we launched our startup a few years ago one of the first markets we targeted was the legal industry.  The targeting of law firms started after meeting a very clever tech lawyer called Will Richmond-Coggan at an event in Reading.  We showed him our technology and he said that would work brilliantly for him. 

What was interesting about this was that Will, like many lawyers, was incredibly intelligent and was a true expert in his field.  What was different about Will from many Law firm partners at that time was that he was very comfortable with technology.

Over the last 3 years, I have seen a big change in the way lawyers and law firms grasp technology and embrace it more and more within their daily routines.  Whether that is using technology to push their brand on the social networks or maybe to enable them to have a completely paperless office like they do at Leman Solicitors in Dublin (and I mean completely paperless - amazing for a law firm!)

Hogan Lovells are now taking that to the next level.  They have built their own platform, Hogan Lovells Engage, to help drive forward their content marketing strategy.  Engage will provide useful and informative insights to the financial services and FinTech industries.

This is very much what content marketing in the professional world is all about - putting useful information in-front of other busy people that allows them to be more effective at their jobs. It's great to see that Hogan Lovells have used technology to help them do that.

With the rise in technology, law firms are having to change the way they communicate with their clients and potential clients.  Those that use technology effectively to enhance the way they do that, are likely to win.

Hogan Lovells Engage is a pioneering LawTech solution for Financial Institutions and FinTechs offering a bespoke digital service that gives you better information, better analysis, and helps you make better decisions.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, fintech, law tech, professional services, financial services