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Jordan Spieth - Master the rules, master the game!

Jordan Spieth is well on his way to being one of golf's all time greats. With 3 majors under his belt and a stint at the No.1 spot, his skill is coveted across clubhouses around the globe. 

In the final round, not only did he demonstrate composure under what much have been a huge amount of pressure, he gave us an insight into the complex rules of the game. The ability to consider the circumstances and navigate the correct pathway to the green was both impressive and highly engaging. 

Most of the time, skill and knowledge will get you to your goal. However when there are many others vying for the same resource/sale/business, it can be these small pieces of knowledge and expertise that give you the edge. 

And the leaders in the business world don't hide this knowledge away. They are constantly demonstrating expertise online and face-to-face. Not only are they seen as the experts in their field but they are able to build a network of trusting followers through value exchange.

To win the British Open on Sunday, Jordan Spieth relied on his peerless iron play, steely putting and no small amount of gumption. He also displayed his mastery of a centuries-old text that combines the tedium of legal fine print with the complexity of the federal tax code: The Rules of Golf.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, golf, the open, jordan spieth, thought leadership