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| 1 minute read

How to build the 'best' brand for your customers

Marketing personalisation has moved far from referencing your name and company in emails. B2B enterprise companies now need to show they truly care about what their customer want and need - recent study on Wantedness found that 89% of buyers are loyal to brands that share their same values, and 79% feel brands must actively demonstrate 'they understand and care about me ' - essentially buyers are seeking brands that are the 'best match', rather than just biggest names in the industry. 

Richard Dunn (Chief Strategy Officer @ Wunderman) at Marketing Nation summit summarised this beautifully with three key points on how to build the best brand and experience for your customers:

1. Get to know your customers - take a walk in their shoes. Immerse yourself in your customer experience to truly understand how to improve your offering 

2. Deliver utility and value to your customers - don't just sell. 74% of people feel strongly that brands of the future will be ones that deliver on the best service

3. Be original and true to your values. Find the things you want your business to be known for and go out there and represent that across every touch point to your customers

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, wunderman, wantedness, mktgnation