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| less than a minute read

B2B buyers: Frustrated, Evasive, Apathetic and Risk averse say Rooster Punk. Yikes!

The solution to this F.E.A.R is personality, say Rooster Punk. 

Certainly, one of the big reasons that B2B marketers like to get their experts to speak at events is that it by default adds personality - and that personality drives business. 

But it is far more difficult to bring personality through the brand itself. Rooster Punk aim to fix exactly that problem with storytelling. Referring to themselves as a "content and storytelling agency". 

 Winning them over [b2b buyers] requires a brave approach. Companies need to make themselves more human. Why? Because people don’t just want to buy from you; they want to buy into you.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e