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34% of Britons plan to exercise the right to be forgotten after GDPR

A third of Britons plan to exercise the right to be forgotten after GDPR. However, as Chris Combemale, CEO of the DMA says below, the regulation offers a real chance to "build trusted, authentic and transparent relationships". 

Without huge data-mining, human-centric relationships are really challenging, unless actual humans are involved in both the creation and distribution of information, in a way that builds trust. This is going to have a profound effect on B2B marketing.

Clearly, with the UK planning legislation to achieve an adequacy ruling, the days of "Spray and Pray" are going to be over. However, there is a huge opportunity to return the nurturing of relationships from marketing back to the sales and BD function. 

I had a meeting last week with a large Software Services company in the US and they outlined their approach to creating and delivering marketing content. It involved creating "public-facing" content specifically for a single account and then delivering it from one human to another. Their approach to marketing is precisely the "human-centric" mindset we're likely to see proliferate after GDPR. 

“We should use the new laws as a catalyst to transform the way we speak to customers, making every engagement human-centric,” he said. “This will enable organisations to build trusted, authentic and transparent relationships with their customers.”


content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e