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Royal photographer was found on Instagram!

I've been thinking all weekend of how I can keep finding excuses to talk about the royal wedding in the office...

And during this morning's browse of EVERYTHING Harry and Meghan related, I read that they found their photographer on social media. A mutual friend had seen that Alexi Lubomirski was in England at the time of the engagement and told Meghan that they should meet. He is now credited with some of the most iconic images of the new royals.

Lots of people may be thinking 'lucky guy', but it's no surprise that he was noticed in the first place. Some may argue that as a photographer, social media must be a breeze. However, considering how many people now see themselves "photographers" (anyone with an Instagram account and a camera), it is becoming harder and harder to get noticed. 

The same can be said of anyone in professional services. It isn't enough now to just say you're an expert online, you've got to prove it. Insights, knowledge pieces and presenting at events are all really simple ways to do this. It also shows the power of your network and how one small referral can mean an awful lot.

After all, you really can't whine about recognition or work you didn't win, if you didn't showcase your expertise to get it!

Meghan Markle’s upcoming royal wedding to Prince Harry will be far from your normal nuptials — he’s a prince, they’re both rich and beautiful, the Spice Girls will be there, and so on — but it turns out there is one aspect of the pair’s union that is at least slightly relatable: The Suits star found their engagement photographer on Instagram. Speaking with E!, photographer Alexi Lubomirski revealed that he was selected for the royal engagement gig thanks in large part to social media. “It was nutty. It was a very surreal end to the year because it came out of nowhere,” he told E! “I think one of Meghan’s friends saw me on Instagram that I was in England during the announcement of the engagement and I was told later that this person said to her, ‘You should meet Alexi. He’s great. You’d love him’ and that was it.”

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, harry and meghan, royal wedding, newsjacking