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| 2 minute read

What salespeople can learn from Love Island - Part 1

Love it or hate it, you can't escape Love Island 2018.

I said I wouldn't watch it this year at all. I don't really have the time and I feel like I lose a few brain cells each time. That lasted about 4 days. 4 episodes later and I'm completely hooked. It's like Pride and Prejudice meets the Hunger Games. Lots of beautiful people fighting out to get coupled up and win £50,000.

To counteract how disappointed I am in myself for the fact that I'm completely obsessed with it I've had a think about what we can learn from this series.

These are my key takeaways for sales professionals:

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Take to the stage Adam! The love child of Angelina Jolie and Zeus, Adam has built a fairly formidable reputation in the villa so far... as a bit of a playboy. Not only has he switched girls after only a couple of days, but made a beeline for the new girl Meghan, 2 seconds after she entered the villa.

Now in real life, I would recommend avoiding replicating his behaviour and tactics, but sales is a whole different ballgame! When you are trying to sell to a firm, it is hugely beneficial to have multiple points of contact. When you get to the stage where your services need to be pitched internally, having a few people on your side who can shine a positive light on you is immensely powerful.

2. Get yourself a sponsor

That being said, do get yourself someone that will back you and guide you through the company procurement process. If there is someone in an authoritative position that has bought into you and your services, you are much more likely to succeed.

And if you meet conflict along the way, your sponsor can act as a bit of a shield.

Just like Samira and Alex back each other. She wants him to succeed and by choosing each other, they edge nearer and nearer to that sweet £50,000!

3. Past reputation might not be enough

Casting our eyes back to the villa in 2017, a regular on our TV screens was Marcel. Part of Blazin’ Squad back in the noughties (of which he frequently reminded us), he might have thought that his reputation would set him high above his fellow islanders. Yet alas, it wasn't enough and while he lasted for the majority of the time, the public chose their other winners.

As a sales person, your company's brand is important, but it's not going to be the only thing that secures you the sale. You need to be continually promoting yourself and your personal brand, and showcasing yourself as the expert in your field. Creating content that does justice to your expertise will ensure you are always forefront of mind. Your targets will also see that you are thinking about their problems and how to solve them.

4. If you do not know about something, do not pretend you do!

Hayley on Brexit. Take a bow!

So next time you prepare for that big sale, think: what would the Love Islanders do?

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, love island, brexit, newsjacking