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Women on Passle leading the way - International Women's Day 2019

International Women's Day was last Friday, with lots of people writing about the women who inspire them.  I am extremely lucky at Passle to help showcase the expertise of some really inspirational women. These women are using their voice to speak up for what they know is right and are leading the way in their industry. 

Below is just some of the fantastic content produced by women across the Passle network on International Women's Day:

Catherine Forshaw (Brabners) - #BalanceforBetter in women's sport. International Women's Day provides a useful opportunity to reinforce the fact that everyone has a role to play in forging a more gender-balanced world and sport is an integral part of that. Equality in sport drives equality in communities and this... Read more

Victoria Lewis (Byrne Dean) - Being the "only one" won't give us better balance! Ever been the "only one"? I can still feel that moment when I was the only one standing on the edge of the field waiting to be picked by my school peers to be on either rounders team. The fact that I was really rubbish at rounders (such a weird... Read more

Susi Fish (Boult Wade Tennant) - International Women's Day March 8 - #BalanceforBetter - my thoughts and some inspiration. It’s International Women’s Day today, so a good time to post something on achieving gender balance, which I think starts with instilling gender balance during the formative years in education and in the homes that children are growing up in during... Read more

Emma James (Brabners) - On International Women's day, it's a good time to reflect on the latest proposed legal changes to enhance women's rights and other family friendly rights in the workplace! Happy International Women’s Day everyone! When it comes to legal rights for women, we’ve come a long way in terms of social progression and developing the law. Although, most will admit that there is still a lot to do in order to promote... Read more

Dehns Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys - Celebrating International Women's Day: An interview with Elaine Deyes. As a diverse and inclusive workplace, we are extremely proud of the support and development we offer our female employees. What better time to celebrate the achievements of the women in our firm than International Women’s Day (IWD). We... Read more

Jenny Harrison (Byrne Dean) - Gender balance is everyone's responsibility #BalanceforBetter #IWD2019. Last week I was delivering a session on leadership conduct at a global investment bank. There were 20 people in the room, and only two of them were women. I was not surprised - this dynamic is fairly typical in my management/leadership... Read more

Ruth Hargreaves (Brabners) - Celebrating women in tech. There has been lots of good news about the Tech Sector in the North West. The number of tech start-ups in the North West is increasing, we are seeing more investment and more and more of these businesses are choosing to remain based in the North... Read more

Billie Moore (Slaughter and May) - Women, collaboration and innovation. At Slaughter and May we are celebrating International Women’s Day 2019 via an exhibition that celebrates the centenary of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919, and features artwork created by the First 100 Years Project, including one of a... Read more

Anne Chitan (CMS) - Of the merits of being a working mother. Like Claire Valoti, I am a second generation working mother and I am grateful daily for my mother and my mother's generation of women who broke the mould so that I never thought, growing up, that it would not be the norm for me to work. It... Read more

Susan Anderson (Hitachi Consulting) - #IWD reminds us that diversity of thought is critical. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is about balance – specifically building a gender-balanced world. Throughout my career, I have seen and felt the unspoken gender norms in the workplace and in society. I came out of college twenty years... Read more

Amelia Jones (AMC Executive Search) - Celebrating Women in Investments. An interesting article celebrating the successes of seven leading women in investments, who through hard work and determination have outperformed their peers and have set a fantastic example for young women pursuing careers in investment... Read more

Ellie Herriot (Byrne Dean) - Inclusion and Integration for Balance for Better. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is Balance for Better because a balanced workforce drives a better working world. As a facilitator of training sessions I regularly see workforces walk into a room and although the balance in the... Read more

Camilla Ives (Hotwire) - The media has a responsibility to increase female representation.Honestly, this story really makes my blood boil. I couldn't agree more with Reshma Saujani, the founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, that sidelining the work of women and women-led organisations in the tech industry isn't just an oversight by... Read more

Kathryn Perera (NHS Horizons) - Skate where the puck’s going, not where it’s been. There’s an old saying from the sport of ice hockey that’s been bouncing around my head this week. As the story goes, Wayne Gretzky (considered by many as the finest male ice hockey player of all time) was asked for the secret of his success and he... Read more

Lynn Yen Chua (Salt) - International Women's Day special - Breakfast with Lisa Hezila, Group MD of VMLY&R. In conjunction with International Women's Day 2019, the ladies at Salt Malaysia had the privilege of spending the morning with an aspiring female leader in the advertising industry, Lisa Hezila, Group Managing Director of VMLY&R. We had an... Read more

Kirstie Houlton (TMP Worldwide) - Gender disparity in recruitment - more work to do to close the gap! On a day like today where we seek to celebrate the achievements of women I am always surprised that such disparity still exists! According to recent research by LinkedIn recruiters treat men more favourably than women when headhunting candidates... Read more

All over the world on 8 March people will be celebrating International Women's Day. It's marked every year and is a chance to celebrate the amazing achievements of women in everything from sport to politics. It's also about promoting equality between men and women.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, international womens day, women in business, women in leadership, equality and diversity, balanceforbetter