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| 1 minute read

Who you are is just as important as what you sell. Content & Employer Branding

Your team of content marketers and product-specific experts aren’t the only people who should be writing content about your company. Your product or service isn’t the only thing you should be publishing content about.

Attracting and retaining the best people is one of the biggest challenges for every business. It’s no longer enough to post a job advert to attract people and promote someone annually to keep them. To be differentiating yourself, you need to show your personality and there is no better way than through content.

Choosing a job or changing jobs is even more of an emotional decision than buying a product or service. People do their research and what they read online is often the most insight they can hope to gleam into what a company is like.  A company's employees are the best people to be promoting the business as a great place to work. Edelman Trust Barometer ranks "people like you" as the third most trustworthy source of information, behind only technical and academic experts. What the average employee has to say is what prospective candidates will read and value. A Head of People or Talent should want to drive their teams to be creating content around why the business is a great place to work. 

Ultimately giving a better picture of the firm helps candidates make an informed decision and helps firms attract the best people who are a good fit with the culture and ethos of the organisation.

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content marketing, employer branding, talent, people