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| 1 minute read

Sleep - the most underrated activity?

Some controversial pastiche style billboards have made an appearance on our streets and transport network recently comparing the dangers of obesity to smoking.

The government is expected to release guidelines on sleep hygiene and how much sleep is required, as well as informing people of the links between not enough sleep and mental and physical health issues including depression, anxiety, obesity and heart attacks.

All sorts of things take precedence over sleep, most likely because we don't feel we can tick anything off our to do list whilst sleeping, but how can you implement some relatively small, manageable changes, in order to make a change?

1. Get an alarm clock and put your phone away - most people use their phones, which means looking at the screen is the last thing they do at night and the first thing they do in the morning. 

2. Limit any naps in the day time and caffeine in the afternoon onwards if this prevents you sleeping at night. 

3. Prioritise sleep in your diary and over other engagements that could come second. 

4. Read a book before bed instead of using technology.

As with anything, a one size fits all approach is not appropriate and many factors affect how much sleep someone needs. However with research telling us that three in four adults are not getting the minimum sleep required, this is worth acknowledging and ensuring that you are giving your body the time to rest and recover over night, in order to be productive and healthy during the day time.

each night is set to be published by the Government. As part of a plan to improve public health, it is expected to advise that less than seven hours' sleep every night could be damaging.

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