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Corporate Finance as a Service

The shift to buying sophisticated Professional Services entirely online just took a significant step forward. Paro is a marketplace for on-demand sophisticated finance expertise; it seems to be directly targeting the Big Four advisories' clients. 

This demonstrates how important it is that experts adapt to the ways that their clients are buying. Professionals within larger firms need to make it very clear to digital natives why they are the best choice in a competitive field long before they speak to you in-person. For the buyer to approach the firm and allow you to explain, is a dying behaviour. 

You need look no further than the retailers on the high street or Thomas Cook and other travel agencies to see how little a respected brand can count for when faced with effective digital disruptors.

Businesses outsource at least part of those financial functions to the big four accounting firms or to smaller firms, but as with all consulting firms, getting contracts signed and work underway can take significant time and effort. That’s where Paro comes in. The Chicago-based expert marketplace wants to provide corporate clients with on-demand sophisticated expertise across a range of financial functions. The company announced today that it has raised a $10 million series B venture capital round led by Mark Fernandes of Sierra Ventures. Existing investors Revolution Ventures, KGC Capital, and Tom Williams also participated.

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